Thursday, 11 June 2009

Follow me as acre8tive on Twitter

Follow me as acre8tive on Twitter. Experience mini coaching workshops and follow how my ideas evolve...

Follow amentalist on Twitter

Follow me on Twitter as amentalist!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Ask to Receive

I just updated my post on Q&A Coaching Framework. It really is all about the ASK-RECEIVE Law of Attraction. WE are always focusing our attention, thinking thoughts... the focusing is the asking and of course the receiving follows...

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There are questions we ask frequently FAQ
There are questions we ask less frequently LFAQ

How often do we ask of ourselves:
  • "What do I like here?"
  • "What do I really appreciate about X?"
  • "Even though this is happening, what is the opportunity here?"

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

The Q&A Coaching Framework

I just published a new knol on the Q&A Coaching Framework.

There is a wide-spread use of goal management acronyms such as SCORE, GROW, SMART, SMARTEST STAR, OATS and others used in business, psychology, coaching and elsewhere - whereever one needs to set and manage a goal/outcome.

Frameworks are important tools/technology to focus attention on what is important. The more flexible and multidimensional its use and application, the more beneficial the results.

In coaching, the norm is to use open-ended questions while following the guidelines of one of these frameworks to focus the client's attention and planning.

Clients also engage in continual self-talk. This self-talk does include questions the person asks of himself/herself. Becoming aware of these questions is the first step to making them work for you and with you.

My article explains how asking powerful and empowering questions allows one to receive powerful and empowering answers!!!