Sunday, 22 January 2012

The Answer Lies In Front of You and Behind...

The Answer Lies in Front of You and Behind You At the Same Time

Usually I know I have a good insight by its paradoxical nature or the humor/humorous perspective it embraces.

In December, I posted the blog "It's Not Too Late to Make 2011 Your Best Year Yet". I put up a link to this on my page on google+.

This morning, as synchronicity would have it, I saw this crazy but* photo a friend had posted of a passer by in the street (fully clothed, but unusual enough to grab... one's attention). I then forgot all about it and moved on... to my google+.

Where I received a notification that someone called name name had posted a comment to this link. It read:

 "How to have a big but*?" 

I wasn't sure what to make of this. It could be genuine, someone thinking I am some kind of expert and good at giving answers. I ignored it for a bit and got on with my business. Then I wondered... let me look at this another time. I looked up name name... it looked a bit unusual... only 3 in circle... not much else happening, a male from Saudi Arabia (my name is Persian so I get a whole lot of weird attention from certain parts of the world... for all kinds of equally weird reasons).

That aside, I thought that perhaps I would just block the person without reporting as it could be a perfectly honest and harmless question... who's to say? So I hit the "block" button.

By nature, I like reaching for the highest perspective on things so my sense of humor came to the rescue... did I say, I also like to have fun? I thought, I could answer this in a way that if the person was genuine and needed advice, the advice would be useful. Also, it makes it more pleasant for visitors to my page if I diffuse the situation... take it to a better place. And if the person was up to no good, well, my reply would be equally ambiguous.

I wanted to write


But*, it would appear, that the comment no longer existed. So I had to leave it at that... until I decided to post this blog... just to remind myself that the answer can lie in front of me and behind me at the same time.

Very much like the message of my blog on It's not too late to Make 2011 Your Best Year Yet". To read this blog entry, click here...