Thursday, 8 March 2012

Open Up Your Habits to Different

I am here to transcend the everyday, the commonplace, habits that degenerates rather than regenerates...that depreciate rather than appreciate my potential. 

Everyday, I open myself up with courage to break my rules, to take risks, venture into the unknown and to redefine “failure”

I do not need to make bold, gigantic, changes. All that authentic growth asks of me is to change one thing... even a small thing... one thing that makes a difference. No, not the same difference but the difference that makes a difference!

Doing what you’ve always done in the way you’ve always done it, just gives you more of what you’ve always got. Such “non-actions” (actions that don’t make a relevant difference), I call “non-actions”.

I’m not going to start thinking of all the “lame” excuses as to why this task is impossible. Why would anyone want to waste their resources looking for excuses. The  hero’s journey is not one big adventure to find as many excuses as possible to not own your power and to not own your nature and originality. Perhaps it sounds extreme, that one has to disown the “comfort zone” choices (couch potato) to embrace and own our comfortable with uncertainty and magic person. This does not have to be a bad thing unless you want it to be.

A good place to start is always right here, right now. You are in the best position possible to make a difference. So, KISS it better... keep it super simple! Begin by simplifying your goals – with the intention to connect more fully to your strengths and to redefine your assumptions and rules, choose rules and assumptions that set you free.
Let's choose generative & sustainable goals (quality) over quantity this time. Let’s forget about the grandiose and focus on specific, meaningful, game-changing goals.
Start thinking in terms of your own formula for self-mastery. By the way, don’t get hung up on your formula or you will leave  yourself hanging out to fail. Let your formula not be set in stone... it’s a new and fluid set of rules and guidelines. Allow there to be exceptions when the exceptions are growth oriented! Let your formula be free to evolve and take you to places you have never been before. I like to call this an “open” formula for self-mastery.
1. Appreciative Inquiry
Reflect on what you have accomplished. I do this daily... At any point in my day, I take pause e.g. when I need a “time-out” or to recharge my batteries, to focus or center myself (and for many other reasons), not least because it begins with an oft-overlooked activity: meditation. I start by asking two questions: What went well? How can I take the good and make it better? It's a very simple but useful exercise that takes stock of where you've built new skills for success and where there's room for development. This a open-hearted assessment of what I’m capable of puts me in good stead to set and refine my goals as I go along.
2. Goals that Make a Difference
Brainstorm a list of meaningful goals i.e. that will make an impact. Now group these goals into categories or try to find common threads and themes.  Face it, you're much more likely to be successful if you: (1) Write out very specific goals and sub-goals, (2) write out a clear plan of action to achieve them, and (3) have a back-up plan for what you will do in case of challenges, distractions, and the like. Reflect on what matters most to you. Consider your purpose:
  • What am  I passionate about?
  • Are my goals driven by my passion and potential?
  • Are my goals directed towards action and performance?

3. Trim the Fat
Create a change with a "turnaround" list. To make a difference and to experience a difference, you need to notice a difference. The way to do this is to turn things around. To do this means what it means... you will be venturing into the unknown, learning to be comfortable with uncertainty and “letting go” of a lot of assumptions, ideas, beliefs and the like.  Replace depreciating habits with appreciating ones... this is the authentic turnaround. Get a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle. On the left side, list some habits. On the right hand side, write down a more appreciative version/variation. If you are going to turn your life around, you need to begin with turning your mind around.

Where Are You Now?

If you’re thinking you don’t have the willpower for all of this, you are right! Forget about willpower, you don’t need it. You need to own your own power, the one that lives in your passion, in your heart, in your potential... in what you are doing already that works. Noticing what works is beginning with yes, with a ta-dah. Riding the ta-dah wave will crest at aha! … that is it’s nature. Read my book for free, Passion to Performance where you will find the steps to use the “SMARTEST STAR” model for goal & change management. Finally, prepare for make them and what to do when faced with them.