Tuesday, 27 December 2011

It's Not too Late to Make 2011, Your Best Year Yet!

It's not too late to make 2011 your Best Year Yet. 

It's possible because perception is the key to transformation. Good, better, best... it's all a matter of perception. Change the way you see something, and you change everything.

So how do you change the way you see 2011? Ask this simple question, it is called Appreciative Inquiry.

If 2011 was my BEST YEAR because it was here to teach me everything I needed to know to make 2012 even better, what did I learn?

Now, put pen to paper and write down all that was great about 2011, all that you have learned from 2011 to make it even better (because you learned and grew from it, duh) and your plan to take all this that is good and make it even better for 2012.


Friday, 23 December 2011

Congruent Connections through Turnarounds

Yin and yang is a fantastic idea. We use it everywhere. What if it means and can mean more than we think it means?

Creating congruent connections means creating new and increasingly better connections to your authentic self. 

What if asking a difference question is the one thing you can change and it will change everything?

What are the questions you are asking yourself? Why me? Why not me? Where can you ask the opposite, turned around question to reclaim your connection, so reconnect to reclaim your power?

Start asking powerful and empowering questions to receive powerful and empowering answers!

It's a popular strategy in coaching, and it works. Nietzsche said "Even a thought, even a possibility, can shatter and transform you". So write down 10 questions you ask yourself daily and turn these around.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Hero's Journey & TAO of Experience

Updating my other blogs, the Hero's Journey and TAO of Experience.

Interesting read on how to use creative perspective, strategies and practices to create your experiences. Isn't this why we are all here, in a search for meaning and the eternal validation of our "creative essence".

Do not assume that all you have experienced is all there is to experience. We usually remember this therefore we have the courage to continue on our journeys. There are times we need to remind ourselves though.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

7 Idea Generators

The 7 Idea Generators are competencies and practices to generate ideas, improve memory, increase knowledge, solve problems (find solutions), invent things, improve relationships, find partners, shift to a new perspective, and best of all, to cultivate a sense of humour. Did I mention, it creates HAPPINESS?

Like INNOVERY  or not, on facebook. 7 Great tips to get you what you want!